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Corporate  Governance 

Sound Corporate Governance, integrated risk management, dialogue with stakeholders, and fulfilment of the commitments made to society are the basis for our daily actions and determine our true value over time.

Code of Ethics

In addition to striving for absolute compliance with the laws in force, our commitment to the promotion of a corporate culture based on ethics, integrity and fairness is reaffirmed in the Code of Ethics, the company’s Code of Conduct and the Code of Conduct for Commercial Partners.

The organizational
model 231

For the specific purpose of ensuring that everybody who acts on behalf of or in the interests of the company complies with the principles of transparency, fairness and legality, we prepared our Organisational and Management Model 231 (Italian Legislative Decree No. 231/2001) in 2023.


For the purposes of effectively implementing the Model, a reporting channel (pursuant to the so-called EU Whistleblowing Directive 2019/1937), has also been set up on the company website, through which internal and external parties can anonymously report breaches of rules or any alleged or suspected misconduct.

Code of Ethics

All relationships, even in business, are based on trust. Our Code of Conduct represents our way of making business: honest, reliable and transparent with regard to our clients and suppliers.

Our Code of Conduct for our commercial partners:

With it, we aim to formalize the requirements that all our business partners are expected to adhere to, respecting human rights, health and safety, ethical integrity, and environmental protection.

Our Integrated System

Our commitment to continuous improvement is embodied in the policies implemented across various areas and managed through an Integrated System:

The Organizational Model 231

Following the European impulse, Legislative Decree 231 of June 8, 2001, regulates the administrative liability of legal entities, companies, and associations in the event of the commission of specific crimes.

The responsibility of the organization is excluded if the governing body proves it has adopted an Organizational, Management, and Control Model specifically designed to prevent such crimes.
Action 4More
We have adopted this regulation by formalizing the existing decision-making, organizational, operational, and control system.

This is because a company is not just a production center but a dynamic system that maintains continuous interactions and exchange relationships with the external environment, in a constant, reciprocal influence. A high legal thus translates into a positive influence on the entire business life, characterized by fairness, transparency, impartiality, integrity, and collaboration.


In our company, the commitment to creating a welcoming and ethically correct workplace is widely shared.

Our internal culture fosters mutual respect among individuals, which helps maintain the high reputation of our company with both internal and external stakeholders, and most importantly, helps us avoid irregularities.

We therefore welcome the reporting of any illegal behavior or harmful activities witnessed in the workplace. Anyone working with us or for us can report not only 231 offenses, violations of the 231 Model in the cases and areas provided, and violations of EU law, but also breaches of the Code of Ethics.

To allow for the reporting of illicit activities, also known as “Whistleblowing”, with complete safety, we have set up a dedicated digital platform and a specific procedure.