2022 Sustainability Report

1 03 - ENVIRONMENTAL RESPONSIBILITY Concrete actions for a sustainable future The production process: management of impacts Sustainable thinking: a new model of development 04 - PROMOTERS OF CHANGE The sweet taste of growing together Guardini People: a successful team Customer-focus: every product tells a story Open innovation: broadening horizons to narrow the gap Actions4more: People, Product, Process, Passion METHODOLOGICAL NOTE DATA TABLES GRI INDEX LETTER TO STAKEHOLDERS 01 - GUARDINI More family, more future About us The company: a story of Italian innovation built on tradition The products: Made in Italy in the world The key ingredient: a balance of values 02 - SUSTAINABILITY IN OUR DNA By nature, by choice Commitment to the 2030 Agenda: Stakeholders, Material Issues and SDGs Corporate governance: promoting sustainable success Shared value: the role of the company in society 3 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 21 23 26 28 36 40 42 47 50 53 56 58 68 Contents Guardini S.p.A. Via Cravero, 9, 10088 Volpiano (To) - Italia Tel. +39 011 995 2890 www.guardini.com Graphic design and layout by WITHUB S.p.A. Edited by Bios Management Srl August 2023